What are the reasons for the varying degrees of satisfaction an individual derives from its contribution to the objectives of the organization. even if the attitudes, aspirations and capabilities of individuals change, to evolve as organizations through diversification, the fusion and natural growth, these fundamental questions remain the same.
more restricted field of organizational behavior, they focus on everything from the point of view of the following disciplines'. "
A) industrial and organizational psychology
B) industrial sociology
C) social psychology
Wt preserving the different factors by these currents of thought and research, behavioral science, applied to organizations seeking to go beyond to explore the following ways.
1) at the level of motivation
highlights a relatively new concept humanas.aqui needs referred to, in particular the hierarchy of needs humanas.aqui referred to, in particular the hierarchy of needs of Abraham Maslow, and a conception of the person as self-realized human being.
2) in the plane of philosophy
An alternative to the authoritarian philosophy based on a negative conception of hombre.aqui alluded to the theory of McGregor which emphasizes that the conception of an individual susceptible to self-management and self-control.
3) at the level of participation in the management
participation in the management uses the set of abilities or skills of individuals and refers to decisions that really concern the workers from the base, as they affect the nature and organization of their own work.
4) at the level of professional supervision style
the evolution of research and reflection in this area supports the idea that there is no ideal way of professional supervision, but many styles adapted to the characteristics of different administrative status.
5) in the reassessment of work plan
to counteract the fragmentation of labor movement and its loss of meaning, the current behavior''organizacional''propone the concept of quality of life at work, highlighting impantacion conception and new forms of organization of work, such as vertical enrichment of tasks and the creation of semiautonomous groups.
6) in terms of a global vision of the organizations intregrada
organizations are discussed from the viewpoint of social and technical system, which allows better capture the impact of technology on the script of the organizations and the behavior of individuals and groups within them.
in our society often happens that the''old''(all who have over 40 years)''complain about the following terminos''ellos jovenes''en mock authority in all its forms, ridiculing to religion and the church, rejected the marriage and family, I have horror of work and effort, do not even know the meaning of the word sacrifice, devotion, savings, prayer, courtesy, sin and obedience, patiotismo., does not think but in themselves, in their pleasures, their friends.
This litany could also be summarized as follows, 'the youth do not have the mismos''valores''que old, being the old () much mejores.como clearly suggested by the above example, a value is a deep conviction and relatively stable in terms of superiodad a mode of conduct or a goal in life.''behavior by mode Delas things,''means the common ways to behave with people and things, 'work hard, show jovial and enjoyable, help others, love, obey, to forgive, show courage, competence, self control, honesty,''etc.los goals of life,''on the contrary are situations or states to be achieved, 'a comfortable life or stimulating an atmosphere of peace and beauty, freedom, equality, pleasure, security, friendship, health of the soul, freedom of action or thought, happiness, etc. All these behaviors and objectives can considerarse''superiores''porque are advantageous for the individual if (''you have to sacrifice if you want to succeed in life because they contribute to'') (common good if you want to avoid anarchy in society, every citizen duty to obey the laws and respect authority'').
for the administrator, an employee empleado''motivado''es really want to make your job the best way possible and Quelo demonstrated by their efforts, their collaboration, their puantualidad, their dedication, motivation etc.estetipo of two aspects, It's a purely psychological aspect that we can not directly observe (desire, intention, the will to do good) a purely psychological and that we can not directly observe (desire, intention, the will to do well) and on a more concrete and easily observable (effort) in all its forms. for the psychologist, the palabra''motivacion''adquiere a much broader sense and being laughed at all human jam is needed for guiding a target and which are voluntary, ie they are purely automatic as some reflections pupila.los knee and psychologists try to explain a more precise way, because an individual does something rather than do nothing, because it makes instead of B, by performing certain acts with great intensity and with very little, because it accomplishes or leaves cualquiera.aunque activity motivation in work, is our main interest, of course we should pay attention to the phenomenon of motivation in general, since the former is but a specific aspect of the very general way, the fundamental process of motivation is the following.''due to an unmet need (eg the need for food) an individual experiences some tension, some discomfort) (hunger, prompting to do something (rising from his chair and walk to the refrigedador), in order to achieve some goal to eat half ham () which satisfies the need, reduces the tension and return the individual to its starting point the chair (), until the cycle begins again.
classification of human needs
1) fisiologicas.tener needs sex, eating, sleeping, breathing, exercise, rest, shelter, clothing.
2 security requirements)
be reasonably protected from the threats and dangers present and future, to live without fear, in a protective environment, safe, orderly, structured, predictable and non-threatening (,,) insecure, have a philosophy or a religion that give meaning to allow things and events.
3) the needs of belonging and love
give and receive affection, friendship, love, and enriching intimate contact with friends, a spouse, parent, child, part of cohesive groups in which one anchas''un sienta''a their club, team, colleagues , a clan, a tribe, a gang, not to be alone, refused, strange, forgotten.
4) esteem needs
which is divided into two blocks
A)-esteem by itself
the need to love yourself, to enorgullercerse of what is and what is done, the need to tell you the strong, competent, regardless of whether others, capable The coping the world and life, able to accomplish what is undertaken .
B)-esteem for others
the need to be respected and admired by others, the need to have a certain prestige, a reputation, a high social status, the need to be congratulated appreciated, recognized.
5) realization needs
use and develop our full potential and all our talents, to become everything that one is capable of becoming, to draw on all elements of our personality,''intelligence, imagination, different aptitudes and abilities, physical abilities and other, grow better where possible.
the hierarchy of needs
1)''human beings are motivated by a desire''to meet their needs, is what impels him to act.
2) a satisfied need is not a source or a motivational factor.
3 () when a particular need of this serious insatifecha primary), occupies a prominent place and makes us forget the rest, the man who is starving,''not think more than that,''
4) the individual whose needs were unmet, would be motivated first and only () for domestic needs, according to the order they appear.
5) a lower need must be relatively satisfied before the overriding need in the hierarchy it becomes a leading and motivating force.
6) the satisfaction of a need to lower or eliminate a driving motivator, but it opens the way for other needs that gradually takes) (automatic but instead as a source of motivation.
There is a form of mockery that has long circulated among development practitioners and organizations can be broadly summarized as follows,''whatever the organization in which you intend to participate, regardless the formula you use to get these same datos''despues a thorough analysis of your organization, we diagnose the following problems-''falta planning, poor communications and many complain of a mismatch between the authority and responsibilities ie who wish to have more authority in order to cope with the responsibilities.
within the limits of psychology and sociology, the concept of role is essential to study the functioning of grupos.un role is a set of behaviors and attitudes directly related to the fact a seat on a organizacion.cualquiera be the person occupying a position, behaves in certain ways and who plays related to their fact, the main function of the role is to ensure the predictability of the behaviors, in addition, without the existence of roles, social life both as group life would impensable.seria anarchy, chaos.
the role differentiation is an important mechanism in the functioning of a group, yet is may not conform to expectations of others in some cases and resist the roles they apparently want us to attribute, but do not mimizan bequeathed effort that often occurs that observation point are como''yo leave this company because the weather is insostenible''o even,''I like working in that department because the atmosphere is wonderful.''phrases auque EASA often describe the state of interpersonal relationships in an organization or a unit of that organization, it is likely that many other factors come into play to create a''clima''bueno or bad, pay policies or promotion, the division of the power to make decisions between departments and between hierarchical levels, the nature of work, physical conditions, such as noise or heat, etc..
seems that the organizational climate is a multidimensional concept that is composed of many facets or elements such as personality (eg).
Among the other features of the organizational climate, we must also mention the following weather A) if an organization or department to change their ways, usually retains permanencia''no cierto''aire of change every day, not even every month, confiere''personalidad''determinada to the organization and distinguishes it from the other fairly stable (this is also valid for an individual personalidad''de'').
B) auque the climate of an organization describe some features of this objective and examiners, we must not forget that these characteristics are described by individuals who are mostly members of the organization, it is a phenomenon of''perception'' contodos the damage that is assumed.
C) it is generally admitted that the perception of the employees have exercised a considerable influence on their attitudes, "the firm decision to leave or stay, level of performance, quality of work, numbers of complaints, examines the climate of an organization, it is not interlectual or scientific curiosity.
from tri-fold those elements define the organizational climate as a set of objective and relatively permanent features of the organization, described as perceived by members of the organization, which serve to give it some personality to the organization and influence the behavior and in the attitudes of members.
must be admitted, however, that this definition oculta''muchos''difficult problems that deserve closer attention.
organizations are presented as complex systems of coordinated and differentiated activities, compliance with which involves collaboration between individuals and groups towards the accomplishment of objectives''precisos.esta necesaria''es collaboration more difficult to obtain and maintain as individuals and groups at different hierarchical levels, adhere to schedules of values and pursuing goals that are not always compatible with the organization.
a diagnosis of this type, together with those defining the criticisms of the great organization led many managers to correct the situation evidencing a multitude of specific actions, "improved communications, decision making, implementation of a style of liderasgo more appropriate to administrative status, plan of division of profits, restructuring of work, appreciation of the yield figure, career plan, etc.
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