Some people seem doomed to live chained to a failure, a wound from the past that never stops hurting, bitter over life's unfairness, abandonment, frustration, not being able to do what they wanted, job loss or money, betrayal, not manage to forgive and forgive and continue chewing their bitter life. "Pillars of salt that fail to live this from looking backward."
Some also seem to live locked up in the past, thinking that "the past was better," things are not what they miss a period before and idealized in his imagination. Do not like this but are unable to change, so they devote their energy to lament and sigh for what has already been. But this is largely a result of the past that were, or not able to build.
The past is useful if we used to illuminate the present and to feed the future worth thinking about in the past if not a sterile remembering but a springboard for the present and future. Those to whom the past paralyzes and consumes, fear the future, intimidated or terrorized and do not know what is coming.
The past is slowly devouring, as these spiders that immobilize their victim and then consume it slowly. But the future can also act as a constraint, not dare to face it, all they can postpone their own future or delayed because all have a hard time, they lack courage and always leave things for later without ever perform them.
The past or future act in this way as a drug that allows escape from present reality, the ghosts of the past disguise this from those who do not have the courage to take charge of your life, take your past and deal with enthusiasm and joy the future.
Life presents us with different situations, to have a full life, you do not manufacture an idyllic world where everything is fine and perfect, as this is impossible, but we need to know what to do today, aware of this and reality and try to be happy and make others happy, accepting with peace and love every situation that life brings we can not change, but also trying to change those realities that are adverse.
"He that is in the past, live the present and can not imagine the future."
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