viernes, 1 de abril de 2011

logical principles


WHAT ARE THE PRINCIPLES SOFTWARE. The "logical principles" are the first truths, "clear" themselves, from which the entire building is constructed formal thought, according to traditional logic. Within a modern account of formal logic, logical principles are the precepts or rules "operant" that govern all thinking correctly.

How to consider these principles has changed over the history of logic and scientific thought, but Formal Logic has agreed on the formulation of four principles of logic, but the room is not accepted by all logicians. These principles are:

1. Principle of identity.
2. Principle of Contradiction (or Principle of Non-Contradiction).
3. Exclusion principle of average (or Principle of excluded middle or Principle of excluded or excluded term Third Principle)
4. Principle of Sufficient Reason.

From a psychological point of view (although not from a Scientific Psychology Psychology but Wise), the logical principles would be the general laws of "operation of thought", ie the laws underlying logic processes.

From an ontological or metaphysical view, these principles would be more general determinations of "being" more general categories.

But from a strictly logical point of view, can only be considered as the fundamental propositions that underpin all other proposition in thought "formally" correct.

THE PRINCIPLE OF IDENTITY. The principle of identity was first formulated as part of a theory of the reality of "being." This principle stated something as general as "The 'being' is', this can be explained by saying that" every object is identical to itself. " These statements are not even logical, but over time, reflect on the logical implications of that principle, making formal logical formulation of the first principle.

This formulation was the affirmation of the truth of a trial whose purpose is identical to the predicate (that kind of trial has been called "analytical view"). The first logical principle is summarized by the formula:

"A is A"

THE PRINCIPLE OF CONTRADICTION. This principle has been traditionally and incorrectly called "principle of contradiction" when what is stated is the impossibility of contradiction in thought. This is the fundamental principle of classical logic rules out any possibility of contradiction in thought and in reality (this involvement has been and is one of the strongest obstacles that you have found any consideration of reality and dialectic thinking.)

The more fully the second principle is referred to non-contradiction between two trials, as expressed in the formula:

"'A is A' and 'A is A' are not both true"

which reads: Trial 'A is A' and its contradictory, the trial 'A is A "can not be true at once.

The original form of this second principle is ontological and was formulated as follows: "Being is not and can not be both."

THE PRINCIPLE OF EXCLUSION OF MEDIUM TERM. As a necessary corollary of the principle of contradiction, we formulate the principle of excluding average. In its original form, also referred to a structure of reality and the claim was no middle ground between "being" and "non-being."

In its logical form, this principle should be understood as saying that two contradictory judgments can not both be false, as summarized in the formula:

"'A is A' and 'A is A' are not both false '
which reads: Trial 'A is A' and its contradictory, the trial 'A is A "can not be forged at a time.

THE PRINCIPLE OF SUFFICIENT REASON. This is, of the four principles of logic, the most controversial, as not all will accept classical logic. His formulation was much later than the other, because while the first three are attributed to Parmenides of Elea, who lived in the V century BC, "the fourth principle was formulated by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in 1666 approximately in the middle Modern Age. The fourth principle states:

"Nothing is without sufficient reason."

Christian Wolf in 1712 distinguished between three ways of understanding this principle:

a) As a "rationale"
b) As a "reason to become"
c) As a "reason to know."

In traditional logic, has understood this principle in the third quarter of the meanings proposed by Wolf. From this point of view, the principle can be formulated:

"All knowledge must be founded."

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