martes, 16 de febrero de 2010

positive attitudes and self care

Positive Attitudes and Self Care

Phrases that promote positive attitudes,

• Very well, I knew you could. I'm sure you're able.

• Do not doubt your good intentions

• everyone has a high opinion of you.

• If you need anything, ask me.

• I know you did not want.

• I am very proud of you.

• Did you know? Te quiero mucho.

• I know you're good.

• I congratulate you for what you did.

• When you need me, I'll help.

• I notice that every day you're better.

• I believe in what you say.

• You know I want the best for you.

• You deserve the best.

• You can go anywhere.

• The next notes will be better.

• I missed you.

9. Self Care

9.1 Principles for Implementation (Garma 1999)

The self has some principles that should be taken into account in its promotion:

• It is an act of life that allows people to become subjects of their own actions. It is therefore a voluntary process of the person to yourself.

• Must be a philosophy of life and an individual responsibility closely linked to daily life and experiences of individuals, but in turn must be based on a system of formal and informal support as is the social system and health.

• It is a social practice that involves some degree of knowledge and development of knowledge and that leads to exchanges and inter-relationships.

9.2 Promoting self-care

For people to assume self-care as a daily practice of life and health, it is necessary to include in their promotion the following strategies:

• Develop people build self-esteem and levels of strength and empowerment (empowerment) as strategies to reverse the internalization of powerlessness, promote a sense of personal control and develop skills of personal and collective mobilization for change in personal and social conditions pro health. Furthermore, to enhance self-esteem are promoted deliberate practices of self-affirmation, self, self-recognition and self-expression aspects that favor the development.

• Involve the dialogue of knowledge, which can identify, interpret and understand the logic and dynamics of the lifeworld of people through the discovery and understanding of their rationale, sense and meaning to link it with scientific logic and reset enlightened vision of disease and health that will translate into healthy behaviors.

• Explore and understand the rifts that exist between knowledge, attitudes and practices and set up proposals for action and training to make viable the harmony between cognition and behavior.

• Health workers must take the self as an everyday experience, because when healthy living, promoting self-care would be sharing their experiences. To the extent that health personnel are living in welfare will be able to promote the health of others.

• Contextualising the self, ie a directional characteristics according to gender, ethnicity and human life cycle. It is important to understand that each person has a life history, values, beliefs, learning and different motivations.

• Build participatory processes promoting self-care should include more active and informed participation of people in their own health care perceived their participation as the process by which the community takes as its own self-care and the environment that around it, leading to increasing awareness and control the degree of mutual commitment on their health of the people who provide health services and those who receive it.

• Self-care means learning to participate in society, its dynamics, its characteristics and specific conditions in a given time, and take positions on social demands. The knowledge learned through socialization underpin everyday thinking, the development of alternatives, motivations, actions and decisions of daily living.

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