martes, 5 de abril de 2011

the concept


WHAT IS A CONCEPT. Often we have to direct our thinking toward an object and get an idea of ​​it. That idea may be a "sensible representation," as when we imagine how it is, but can also be a "rational representation" or intellectual regards the essence of reality, regardless of variations in existence. We call concept to the formal representation of the objects obtained by means intellectual. The concept is objective in its content but as it exists in the mind, man's consciousness.

OBJECT, concepts and terms. First, we realize that all "concept" must refer to an object, real or imagined, every concept must have an "objective reference." Second, by "abstraction", you get to design the shape of the object intellectually, the essence of the object in its real existence, and thus we have the concept. Finally, thirdly, we find that intellectually apprehended object, must express itself in any way for communication, by "words" or words. Thus we see that the concept is in an intermediate point between the object and the word, without any of them, while retaining its uniqueness.

EXTENSION OF A CONCEPT. Called "extension" of a concept to all objects which can be said with truth that is the concept (x) in question, as when we say that object A is x, the object B is c, etc. In other words, this is the set of objects that can receive, in truth, the concept as preaching in a trial.

For its size the concepts are divided into:

a) General, if you can preach more objects.
b) Individual, if only he can preach an object.

The general concepts relatively to each other, can be:

a) Gender, if it has to other concepts.
b) the species if it is contained in another respect.

COMPREHENSION, CONTENT OR INTENTION OF A CONCEPT. Called "understanding", "content" or "intent" of a concept to all of the notes or properties that "essentially" belong to the object to which the concept refers. It is therefore the intellectual representation of the essential elements of the object.

In its content concepts are divided into:

a) Simple, if you have only one note.
a) compounds, if they have several.

RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LENGTH AND CONTENT. The relationship between length and content can be expressed as follows: "a further extension is for less content and more content corresponds to a lesser extent."

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