lunes, 13 de junio de 2011

leadership in any job

Leadership in any job

Leadership must be able to distinguish hierarchical

The hierarchy can empower, but the moral authority can only be achieved with leadership.

Can occur in a human group chief and the leader are different people:

The head is one that is ranked higher hierarchical, while the leader is the one that has moral authority over the rest of the group.

In a situation like this, the boss may give orders to be obeyed and enforced for fear of disciplinary sanctions, while the leader does not give orders (no hierarchical authority), but their signs, their opinions, their proposals will be accepted by the rest of the organization.

Therefore, we must make it clear that leadership is not only a role reserved for the top management of a company, but a role that can perform any person regardless of the position he occupies.

The leader's ability to mobilize the team, to achieve the goals, make decisions, to get results if the reference group, etc., Can be performed at each level of the organization.

Each person can exercise leadership within their area of ​​competence.

For example, within a company chief executive may exercise leadership, but so can the head of a department, a commercial, a clerk, a mechanic, etc.

The chief executive shall exercise the entire organization, while the head of a department may do so within the unit, and the commercial, administrative or mechanic can play this role among their peers.

An employee who occupies a middle or low within a company does not have to limit its action to a mere conformity or ism, but within its sphere of action may take an active, innovative, feisty, maverick, concerned about the good of the organization and motivating for the rest of the team.

In short, to exercise leadership as intense as if they occupied the top spot in the rankings.

In fact, one of the responsibilities of leading a company is to promote this spirit of leadership at all levels of the organization.

A leader who fails to transmit his enthusiasm to promote its values ​​and way of working is a leader in some way failed.

In addition, the leader has an obligation to be forming new leaders among their colleagues with a view to tomorrow to replace him.

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