domingo, 17 de julio de 2011



The leader is a person who cares about their education, being a day, get to know your business, keep abreast of the latest management techniques.
The leader is a person with intellectual curiosity.
The leader must also be open to learning from others, especially members of his team.
Pride, so common in many managers believe that possession of the truth, only leads to intransigent positions, inflexible attitudes and, ultimately, to the error.
It is a great mistake to think that the leader should not seek advice from a subordinate fearing that it will take you to lose authority. On the contrary, the humility of a leader makes him grow in the eyes of his team and helps win their support.
Do not use the knowledge of other workers is a real waste.
When the leader is facing a problem begins to learn thoroughly, thoroughly know (whether they sometimes seek the advice of experts).
The leader will not ever take anything for granted, analyze everything, even the little things critically.
In addition, the leader is a person who is particularly worried about the training of its employees, as well as by all employees of the company.
The leader will promote a culture that fosters training, providing that assistance possible: organizing courses, providing grants, value (reward) training employee's professional advancement.
In a changing world today, the company's competitive advantage lies mainly in the value of their teams.

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