miércoles, 27 de julio de 2011


Is that man knows that there is something that the day that will make you wise master, but does not have this knowledge, because if they would simply no longer possess a man, but it would sabio.pero while the man is not simply ignorant, the ignorant do not know that there is a problem and know about the problem and then for nothing, not moving.
The man is a limited, imperfect, this is an empirical finding, and therefore everything that man does or thinks imperfección.el be affected by this man would become wise, full and perfectly wise, and approached put it more as more forces in this way, but it succeeded at all.
Partial truths that a man can be achieved during life have to aspire to be something in every man verdad.hay pushing to say, I want to know the truth and this truth mia.y is more, this really mine, it I see as truth, it must be true.
Moreover, as is rarely manage to be convinced that the solutions are truly designed as the last, there is always a work aquilatacion, wanting to get as close as possible to limite.el speculative knowledge is knowledge that stays within itself, which not intended to transcend outside, simplemente''saber speculative knowledge is to know.''instead soteriological knowledge is the knowledge that, being itself, pure knowledge, aims to lead the hombre.si I want to know is because my urges me know, because I need saber''que me''and''why''and''I'm here for.''what happens is that to me I answer these questions, I need to forge a know know a purely speculative.
For that man to support their behavior, you have to know-as abstract as it is know that''knowing.''Man is intelligence, without which this has on the whole man has a certain way of acting that is the same man inteligencia.lo whole has a certain way of acting, which is walking, because when a man walks, not only the feet walk, is the man who made this whole actividad.de the same way that it can not be a walk go, there is no un''saber for knowledge.''in this same way, man can not think think, because this thinking brings into play the whole man, on the other hand, we consider that knowledge is nothing more than intelligence, that intelligence is gaining me my.
This knowledge, gained by the whole man, thinking, man entero.no refluxing the need recap on everything you know to decide taking into account everything you know to decide taking into account what has become known.
When making a decision, that decision that weighs all know, even what he knew and the man has olvidado.en accumulate all knowledge, all knowledge, all his actions, and this is conditional on each one of its subsequent decisions, because when he decides, decides the whole man as well.
It would be easy to remember how our unconscious determines our decisiones.la only verified that you can have is to be consistent with himself, the fulfillment of the logical laws of reason, which does not assert contradictions, what is being said has a meaning within if mismo.pero check, no way of knowing cabe.son not simply a tell, are a vivid world full knowledge of apologetics and redemptive mission.

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